There were born criminals, who were degenerates and insane criminals, who suffered from a mental illness.
And, according to producer Don Murphy, there was the extra added attraction of hundreds of natural-born criminals.
Pasternak argues that " neither Macbeth or Raskolnikov is a born criminal or a villain by nature.
Others want an end to the mass extradition of Caribbean-born criminals from the United States, also seen exacerbating crime.
And though he described him as a " born criminal ", he believed that Guerrero was an organized killer.
Koch wrote an essay in 1894 entitled Die Frage nach dem geborenen Verbrecher ( The question of the born criminal ).
They're all duly taken with Chili's sincerity and self-assurance _ almost to the point of forgetting that he's a natural-born criminal.
Besides the " born criminal ", Lombroso also described " criminaloids ", or occasional criminals, criminals by passion, moral imbeciles, and criminal epileptics.
The look alike of the honest man had to face uphill task of taking the honest man's place, as he is a born criminal.
As a result, anyone born in these communities across the country was presumed as a " born criminal ", irrespective of their criminal precedents.
How to say born criminal in Hindi and what is the meaning of born criminal in Hindi? born criminal Hindi meaning, translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by